Sunday, December 11, 2011

Devotional Dates

It is a mark of our culture here at BYU-Idaho, that on Tuesday afternoons from 2:10 to 3:00, the hearts of infatuated young people will beat a little faster. Why you may ask? Devotional. The one hour of the week where you can feel justified putting off classes and homework to enhance your dating life.

It's a social status thing as well. If you don't have a date for Devo, you feel like a loser, resigned to sit with your other roommates who don't have dates. I've been this loser many times.

On the other hand, it's an opportunity to sit with some one attractive of the opposite sex, and play the subtle physical contact hints game. You casually bump shoulders, or elbows. Perhaps a hand is playfully put on a forearm or leg. This is all part of the game.

Then Devotional starts. The real tragedy is that the girl is probably thinking about all the implications of every little gesture and movement. The guy is actually paying attention or thinking about his truck. The girl sits eagerly though the entire hour hoping that something more will come from this little encounter. Perhaps a date to Kiwi Loco. Maybe a night at Fat Cats. Either way, for one or both parties, a date to Devo is never just a date to Devo. It's a means to an ends. Hopefully that end will include a night of continual flirtatious banter, and a doorstep scene.

For those of you that are dating someone, it's a little window of opportunity to hold hands, and pay attention to the speaker, showing the other just how spiritual you each are.

My word of advice to both situations is this: don't read too much into anything. Except perhaps the speaker.

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