Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ninja Dating

Here is an experience I'm sure many women have had. The ninja date. 

There once was a perfectly normal, and kind boy named Carter. Carter was in my ward. One day he added me on Facebook. That was odd because we had never really talked, but knew who each other was. (This stemmed from the fact that he had dated my roommate a few semesters ago.) One day, Carter started chatting with me on Facebook, dropping subtle hints that he would like to come and hang out with me. I noticed this, but did nothing to help Carter out. But he was persistent, and eventually asked me on a date. I went, had a reasonably decent time, but thought nothing more of it. 

Carter had my phone number and texted me continually throughout the day. They were dull, and labored. But he continued to ask me out. I didn't have any reason to say no, so yes was the answer that always found its way out of my mouth. 

He took me to lunch every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He saw me a few times a week. We went to a jazz concert, got pumpkin ice cream, got drinks at sonic, and saw a movie at the Paramount. It was during the movie that I realized that something was wrong. 

"Please don't let him make a move," I found myself thinking. I was giving all the right signals. Arms folded securely across my chest. Legs stiffly placed together. Not even a chance of having any physical contact. This was not how I was supposed to feel. I was on a date with him after all, wasn't I? 

I got home, and explained this to my roommates. 

"You don't even seem to really like him, Em," they all told me. 

They were right. I didn't. 

"But we're not dating!" I exclaimed. 

Suddenly, reality dawned on me. 

"Oh my gosh, we're like dating!" 

My roommates grimly nodded their heads. For three weeks, this kindly accountant had been quite the ninja getting me to go on dates with him. He was casual enough to let me think we were just, "going to the movies," or "grabbing some ice cream." Had they been labeled as "dates" my answer may not of been the habitual "yes" coming out of my mouth each time. 

Alas, I would have to break poor Carter's heart. I could not ninja date him. 

And so I did. Ladies, be very careful. You never know what sort of mad ninja skills the boy taking you to devotional has. 

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